Welcoming You Home
St. Augustine once said that God has made us for Himself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Him. Our true home is in heaven, we are just passing through this earth on our way to our God ordained destination to be with Him. While on our journey, our temporary home is the local church where we are a part of God’s family. We want to invite you to try Crosswalk to see if God is calling you to serve here as your local home church.

What To Expect
At Crosswalk, our dress is casual. You will meet friendly people who love Jesus, his Word, and his people. Our worship in song is contemporary but we also love hymns. We value expository preaching that expounds on the original meaning of the text in its original context and how the original audience understood it. Then through the Gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit, we seek to apply it in the life of the church.