Dena and Gary Pate
Reaching and teaching children and their families with the Gospel along the fishing villages of the Pacific Coast and in remote villages of the Southern Andes Mountains of Ecuador.
Conviction of sin in the children and their parents in our villages that God will turn their hearts towards Him
Additional prayer and financial support partners
Raise up committed Christian leaders to take over bible clubs
Open new doors of opportunity for us to minister.
Upcoming programs to develop curriculum for new bible clubs and the training for those who want to start bible clubs.
Pate Ministries
PO Box 893
Callahan, FL 32011
The K's: Missionaries in South Asia
Pioneers empowers gospel-driven Christians to go to the ends of the earth together in relentless pursuit of the unreached.
Transition to new home and culture
Pray for:
- Spiritual Vitality
- Relational Maturity
- Ministry Effectivity
- Pressing into the Sovereignty of God
10123 William Carey Dr
Orlando, FL 32832
Ben and Anisha Hopkinson
and family
Helimission’s aim and purpose is to provide social, medical and spiritual aid to people in remote and inaccessible areas such as Papua, Indonesia.
Additional committed monthly financial supporters.
Additional long-term personnel. We are currently understaffed with only us running the base.
Neil and Glynis Moyer
Engaging the body of Christ in the USA to reach the least-reached in our generation.
Discernment and wisdom for leadership.
Opportunities to engage with US church leadership & believers wanting to know about following Christ.
To mobilize well in the areas of my responsibility
•Continued health for my family.
Regional Director FL-PR-USVI
Converge International Ministries
US Engagement
11002 Lake Hart Dr
Orlando, FL 32832
Scott and Tiffany Kelley
Families experiencing abundant life in a growing relationship with Jesus. We disciple and mentor refugee youth and young adults in the Atlanta area.
Discernment and wisdom for leadership.
To disciple well – teaching and showing the refugee youth and young adults what it means to be a follower of Christ.
Continued health for my family.
The Refuge
PO Box 178
Waleska, GA 30183
Maggie Van Slooten
Making Jesus known among the Nations.
We make disciples that start movements among the Unreached People Groups.
So thankful for God’s redeeming love. What a cross cultural divide He bridged by coming from Heaven to earth! 1) to save us from our sin, 2) to fulfill the law and prophecy 3) to identify with us eye to eye.
Praise, my 2 children are doing well in their pursuits. I’m also blessed by their spouses.
Building of community around me, my nature is to nurture and make connections. I need people. We need each other.
P.O. BOX 831539
Converge MidAmerica started as a mission to reach the vast number of immigrants coming to the United States in the 1850s. This new mission movement turned into a family of churches.
This family started working together to reach more communities with the love of Jesus by pooling their money together to hire what were affectionately known as state missionaries. These missionaries traveled throughout the region planting new churches and bringing encouragement to a growing number of partner churches in their area.
Today Converge MidAmerica is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural mission that still operates like those regional missionaries. In the last 20 years it has expanded its reach from 86 churches across four states to over over 569 churches across 15 states and 27 countries throughout the Caribbean. This unprecedented growth means that more and more men, women and children are being touched by the gospel of hope and the love of Jesus.
Converge MidAmerica
Canaveral Port Ministry
To share the love of Christ by meeting the physical, emotional & spiritual needs of the crew serving on ships coming to Port Canaveral.
Adopt-a-ship: connect prayer warriors with seafarers on specific ships through emailed prayer requests.
Prayer & Share: monthly prayer gathering for the needs of our volunteers, seafarers, and the Ministry.
CPM Prayer Warriors: join our email team to keep the Canaveral Port Ministry in your prayers.
Grace Partnership
Grace Partnership is a partnership of local churches serving together in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The same mission of the early church continues as churches partner together today. Our desire is to support one another in the mission of the gospel, expressed through…
- Partnering together in local and global mission
- Pastoral and church relationships centered on mutual care and encouragement
- Practical equipping contexts that strengthen and equip one another -
Centered on three core values of gospel expression we refer to as Shared Mission, Mutual Care, and Equipping One Another, Grace Partnership is guided by these three values. What is comes down to is that the Gospel, Jesus Christ, is at the center.
Grace Partnership
(407) 740-0561
910 South Winter Park Drive,
Casselberry, FL 32707
The 6:4 Fellowship
A pastor-led biblically-based, international, multi-denominational network of pastors.
The 6:4 Fellowship is a community of pastors, around the world, doing ministry in the hope of a spiritual awakening, and sharpening one another to a life-changing rhythm of deeper conviction, rich community, and growing capacity for Spirit-empowered ministry.
Our mission & vision are rooted in the biblical paradigm of ministry seen in Acts 6:1-7. Therefore, we seek to empower 6:4 leaders, encourage 6:3 disciples, while envisioning a 6:7 awakening.
We call it a divine pattern: 6:4 + 6:3 = 6:7
The 6:4 Fellowship